Suitable for absolute beginners
Cùrsa Còmhraidh
Basic Gaelic / Beginner Conversation Course
This course aims to allow the learner to communicate at level A1, basic users, of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CERF) or level SCQF level 3.
Once you completed the course, you will receive a badge which will give you access to a sample lesson of the Leuman Gràmair Pàirt 1 Course in the Member Resource Section.
Beginners Gaelic
Self Study
This course is an ‘Introduction to Scottish Gaelic’ formal & informal conversation course aimed at new learners of the language and is written to enhance and supplement conversation classes, with additional vocabulary, exercises and explanations.
This course consists of 10 themed lessons, each with a vocabulary list, explanation of any language points raised, a selection of exercises and games as well as a dialogue to revise the language of that lesson.
At the end of the 10 lessons is a selection of exercises and games to revise and consolidate the language points and vocabulary covered in the course, as well as an English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English dictionary of the course.
Cùrsa Còmhraidh
Cost £65 + Book
No time limit
No Support
Course handbook is not included in the price and can be purchased here.
It is available in
What you get
Online resources and downloads.
Online Reward:
Access to a lesson sample of the Leuman Gràmair Pàirt 1 course
Admission Requirements
No entry requirements
All-year round self-registration
Cùrsa Comhraidh SST
Tutoring fee & Online resources
(book not included)
certificate included
What you get
5 Weeks of e-mail Support:
- feedback on pronunciation
- feedback on tasks completed
- answering questions relating to the lessons
Online Reward:
Access to a lesson sample of the Leuman Gràmair Pàirt 1 course

Apply Here
Join Our Love Gaelic Student Community!
Please complete the form below with your details and the course you wish to join and your availability. We will get back to you as soon as possible usually within 48 hours during office hours
Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9 to 1.30pm.