Hear It From the Source
19 - 22 AN LÙNASDAL 2021
"A-rithist tha Ann air soirbheachadh le cùrsa ùr eile. An turas seo b' e Cùrsa Bogaidh a bh’ ann suidhichte sa mhòr-chuid air Uibhist a Tuath ach air Bearnaraigh agus Na Hearadh cuideachd. Thòisich sinn le seisean tòiseachaidh ceithir uairean a thìde ann an Circeabost, gu lèir sa Ghàidhlig.
An ath-latha shiubhail sinn timcheall air iomadh àiteachan inntinneach, eachdraidheil agus cultarail a' gabhail a-steach bàrr-phuingean leithid a' bruidhinn ri Eòin agus Aonghas (dithis luchd-labhairt le Gàidhlig bho thùs) aig an t-seada bhàta traidiseanta aca agus a' còrdadh lòn maorach aig Caladh na Ceallan. Bha cothrom ann tadhal air ’The Woolshed' cuideachd, far an robh Gàidhlig air a bhruidhinn a-rithist agus a cheannach cuid rudan brèagha. Am feasgar sin bha dìnnear againn air croit Anne còmhla ri a màthair-chèile aig a bheil Gàidhlig.
Disathairne ghabh sinn an t-aiseag gu Na Hearadh còmhla ri Seumas MacGilleEidich, dealbhadair agus eòlaiche-nàdair a tha dìoghras aige air a' Ghàidhlig agus a cleachdadh airson cunntas a thoirt air an t-sealladh-tìre, an fhiadh-bheatha agus an cultar. Bhruidhinn e rinn anns a' Ghàidhlig fad an latha agus abair iongnadh mìorbhailleach nuair a stad e aig croit ri taobh Tràigh Luskentyre gus Dòmhnall John fhaicinn, breabadair gu math aithnichte a dh’innis dhuinn ann an Gàidhlig na Hearadh mun obair aige le Nike agus an tadhal aige o chionn ghoirid bho Joanna Lumley airson am film aithriseach aice.
Didòmhnaich bha a' ghrian ris airson an coiseachd againn air an Tràigh Bhearnaraigh agus an turas againn dhan àite-sheallaidh Hiort far am b' urrainn dhuinn a faicinn gu soilleir dìreach 30 mìle air falbh!
Agus seo uile fhad 's a bha sinn, an triùir againn air a’ chùrsa, a’ feuchainn ri bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig cho tric ’s a ghabhas le cuideachadh agus misneachadh bho Ann.
Mholainn e gu mòr ma tha thu airson na Ghàidhlig agad a dheuchainneachadh san t-saoghal fìor."
Dùghlas Moireasdan, Alba

"I have been learning Gaelic with Ann for a year now. I could tell you that she is a wonderful teacher, that she takes time to explain what is the right pronunciation or how to apply some grammar rules, but I think that the best thing to do is to book a lesson with her, and you will be convinced.
I was student during the immersion week in April 2023 with Ann and it was a fantastic fun. Ann was an attentive tutor to improve your Gaelic. Every day, students had new supports for the lesson. She is also a wonderful guide to visit the Islands and to give you opportunities to meet local native Gaelic speakers.
Beginners or most-advanced learners, book your place, take a deep breath and immerge yourself in a wonderful experience!!"
Arnaud Bourdon, An Fhraing
An Giblean 2023
I took the immersion course this summer to improve my conversational Gaelic and I cannot overstate how much I enjoyed this. Ann is an amazing teacher, patient and encouraging, full of resources and useful tips. The lessons were interesting and fun. The afternoon excursions were brilliant. We even had the chance to feed a wee lamb. My husband joined us in the afternoon and we were both happy to learn so much about the history of the Outer Hebrides and to discover the natural beauty of the place. I cannot pick which moment was the best as we had a wonderful week!
This was in fact my third series of lessons with Ann. I've previously done Intermediate dialogue development and Advanced dialogue development and I've seen my marks improve for the oral assessments at SMO. I will start another program in September, the one-on-one lessons are so good, well tailored to your individual needs.
Catherine Orban, A' Bheilg
An Giblean 2024
Merci beaucoup Ann pour cette fabuleuse semaine ! Je viens de passer une semaine d'immersion formidable. Cela a été très sympathique d'être un petit groupe (nous étions 3 personnes à participer à cette semaine en compagnie d'Ann). J'ai beaucoup aimé me promener et visiter les îles tout en travaillant le gaelic. Ann est très généreuse et souriante. Le temps passe vite en sa compagnie !
Je résumerais cette expérience par ces mots : convivialité, découverte et joie.
Brezhoneger on ha plijadur 'm eus da zeskiñ gwezeleg. Àrlerc'h bout desket gwezeleg e-pad 6 miz get Ann, divizet 'm eus monet da Vro-Skos evit pleustriñ hag implij ar pezh 'm boa desket. Nag a blijadur ! Ann zo brokus-tre ha jentil-tre. Ha na brav ar vro ! Mal eo genin donaat ar yezh ha distreiñ e Bro-Skos.
Gwenole, An Fhraing
An t-Iuchar 2024
Having been learning Gàidhlig for about two years by various methods, including Duolingo, distance learning courses and a local conversation group, I took part in Love Gaelic’s ‘Gàidhlig sa Choimhearsnachd’ (Gaelic in the Community) immersion course in July 2024. Joining Ann and the two other students on this course for five days on North Uist was an amazing way to boost my Gàidhlig in many different ways, but just as importantly, to have the opportunity to experience the culture and history of the islands of the Outer Hebrides (and we visited seven of them!) while meeting up with Gàidhlig speakers as we travelled around.
Ann’s links with the community and local places provided us with opportunities that you just wouldn’t get by touring the islands by yourself. We visited museums, visitor centres, a distillery, fantastic beaches, a famous pub, arts centres, a peat bank, a local agricultural show, historic sites and memorials, all with Ann as our guide. On our travels we inevitably bumped into friends, relatives and acquaintances of Ann with whom we were able to practise our Gàidhlig skills, and learn more about life on the islands.
I would say particular strengths of the course were : pronunciation, intonation and presentation skills, together with focused lessons on aspects of grammar and useful vocabulary. ‘Say it like you mean it!’ is one phrase of Ann’s which I will remember for a long time. It was a busy and unforgettable week. Highly recommended!
Heather Hall
An t-Iuchar 2024