The Islay Course is suitable for students who:
* study Gaelic at College/University
* have to prepare for an exam or interview
* have little opportunity to practice pronunciation
* want to plug the gaps in their knowledge
* want to become more confident in holding a conversation
* who want to revise

Self-Study Option
This Self-Study Scottish Gaelic course is for higher intermediate /advanced level learners who want to revise and re-enforce their skillset. It covers the story of two tourists who are on a 4-day visit to Islay.
The bilingual course work book can be purchased online and consists of their daily dialogues which can be listened to in our videos, vocabulary and grammar exercises, question and answer practice, vocabulary list, supplemented with online dialogue writing development practice. Most answers to exercises are provided in the online section.
You can sign up for e-mail supported study, if you want to receive feedback on your pronunciation and writing task only. Limited spaces available each month.
For those who want downloadable soundfiles, support with questions outside the course curriculum, practice of dative/conditional/passive/genitive case and so much more, you can sign up for our taught 8-lesson Advanced Booster Course instead, which includes this Islay course as well. Limited spaces available each month.
On successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate and a badge with access to a lesson sample of the Advanced Dialogue Development Course.
What You Get
Unsupported study:
Online videos and exercise answers.
Supported study:
Online videos and exercise answers.
8 consecutive weeks of e-mail support to review your sound recordings and writing tasks (8 e-mail submissions).
Certificate on Completion and Online Reward : Badge with access to a lesson sample of the Advanced Dialogue Development Course
Admission Requirements
No entry requirements
Unsupported study:
No entry requirements
Supported study:
Access by interview
Evidence of prior higher intermediate / advanced level learning for at least 2 years
Including evidence of confident use of irregular verbs in past and future tense, conditional and passive tenses.