We are working with our tartan supplier on a solution to keep selling to the EU market. Until then, we are putting sales to customers in the EU and Northern Ireland on hold. We have removed our print-on demand Gaelic products due to this change.
Book publisher Lulu.Com - GPSR information for EU market compliance - contact our safety representative Ann Desseyn at Love Gàidhlig Ltd, Isle of North Uist, info@lovegaidhlig.com We will contact LuLu.com to provide you with further information on products they fulfill. LuLu.com is working on a solution
to ensure GPSR compliance for self-publishing authors on their site.
You can also visit our LULU online book shop, which may offer a cheaper delivery option, depending on your location.
Friends, family and Love Gaelic students can contact us to order the Learn West Flemish book at £17.99 (instead of £19.99)