Love Gàidhlig Cairt Dìlseachd - Loyalty Card
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Love Gaelic Mug
75 Points = £1 off a specific category
Love Gaelic Duffle bag
400 Points = £2 off a specific product
Love Gaelic Products
2,000 Points = 5% off orders over £100
Love Gaelic Office
600 Points = £2 off a specific category
Love Gaelic T-shirt
300 Points = £1 off a specific category
Love Gaelic Tartan
1,000 Points = £1.50 off a specific category
Love Gaelic Clothing
500 Points = £1 off a specific category
Love Gaelic Christmas
140 Points = £1 off a specific category
Love Gaelic Halloween
140 Points = £1 off a specific category