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From beginner to intermediate learner.

Tha sgilean leughaidh uabhasach cudromach gus comas labhairt a leasachadh. Seo eisimpleirean.

Chan eil e buileach foirfe, ach tha e sgoinneil aig an ìre eadar-mheadhanach seo. (An Dàmhair 2020 gus an-diugh)

From beginner to intermediate learner, started in October 2020.

Listen out for the good habits which have been developed over time through repetition:

- long vowels

- glueing words together

- breathing breaks

- emphasis

and so much more!

Thòisich Seonag Gàidhlig ionnsachadh san t-Ògmhios 2020 agus tha i air a bhith ag obair gu cruaidh gus a bhith ceart a thaobh fuaimneachadh 's sgilean sgrìobhaidh.

Listen out again for the good habits which have been developed over time through repetition, just like Minou did.

Do you wish you could sound like this? Join our Love Gaelic Learner Community!


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